Archives for the month of: October, 2011


everybody makes a type suit and we play a game of football wearing it. i think it’ll be great.

Here’s some watercolour illustrations from an old old book. My Aunt probably brought it from Weimar when me and my cousins were all of 3/4 years.The illustrations are by Werner Ruhner. I think they are fantastic. There is such a fluid refined quality to his lines and detailing. Takes my breath away.I’ve been missing looking at inspiring things which are not on the internet.

Sorry about not posting for almost 2 months now! I’ve been thinking 😉

The process of creating is almost like a drug. There has to be enough to absorb. And there has to be enough time to enjoy what you have consumed. To be able to turn in into an experience. To crystallise it.
No I haven’t been lying in a cloud of smoke thinking up theories.
I’ve been thinking while swimming. Swimming pools are great for thinking. The water vacuum creates a meditative hum. And because the rhythm is so fixed you can’t really dwell on your thoughts too much.
Silence is heaven. Like in these drawings.


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