Archives for posts with tag: Tehelka

Last year round up was pretty exciting. Tehelka does a special fiction issue at every year’s end. This one’s theme is Pulp and Noir , short stories written by a variety of writers, and illustrated by a variety of illustrators. Two of those stories written by Shiv Visvanathan and Zac O’ Yeah are illustrated by me. Cover and logo for the issue are designed and illustrated by Sudeep Chaudhuri. Pick up a print for a nice weekend read or check out the stories here, here, and here or the entire menu here. Here < what a weird word>

<Intellectual Property rights>, <Agriculture and the intricacies>, <America: The bully in the greenhouse>

“The darkness inside was symbolic of the demons the house was fighting”

Memories where you remember what went wrong. How it all stopped for you. Story here

for an article in Tehelka that talks about generalisations formed about people from north east india. For the entire peice see here

made for a story on schoolkids being sexually active and how emotions today are displayed all over the internet. never got published but you can see the story and sudeep’s illustrations here