Archives for posts with tag: winter

Greetings from a sunny December winter’s day at home!  After a long crazy residency, a great successful show and a zipping trip to Nagaland’s Hornbill festival, here we are at the end of this year. New love for me this year is murals and ceramics. Also new on the cards is our artists’ collective Intercontinental Rollercoaster Club. A great feeling to have fellow artist friends here from Spain, Austria and Japan. We are now a stronger and a more alert force to apply ourselves to the pursuit of Art collectively. Good times lie ahead. May there be more travel, more good work and hopefully we see the tribe grow and the friendships deepen. My sister also graduates from Srishti School of Art & Design this year as a film maker so that’s another quality addition to the collective right there! Well next on the itinerary is a long drive all the way from Chandigarh to Bangalore! I’ll be posting about that next. Happy Holidays!


Indoor mural in Chandigarh. Drop in to Sector 9 if you are in town and have a taste of some fresh ice creams frozen right in front of you!

Ceramic people

The ceramic animal people after the first firing. Glazed and ready for the kiln again.

Some of the animals I made before they went into the kiln.

Some of the animal people before they went into the kiln.

Intercontinental club invite

Intercontinental club invite. Photo by A&Y. Logo design by Iria Do Castelo and Samia Singh

Club invite letter

Club Imagen

The entire club. Image by A&Y

Sketching time

Good days spent during our residency at the Uttarayan Art Foundation doing printmaking, sculpture & sketching.

Kohima at 5 pm!

Nagaland. Kohima at 5:15 pm!

Kohima by day

Kohima: blue inspiration.

In the middle of the night I saw that yesterday was the first day of winter chill coming in. The auto guy was wearing a shawl. And on the way back from a late night movie two men taking a stroll on the road were opening up a shawl each to wrap around themselves. The autumn collections are in the shops shouting out for love. I went and picked up my winter clothes from home. There’s a dry freshness in the wind in the mornings that reminds me of the hills. So here’s to my first entire winter spent in north India. I have been in the south for the past 5 years and would only come home for a week or so in winter. I look forward to so many things. There will be winter photos up in this post from time to time.